Monday, October 25, 2010

Bobby's Story

“Oh, yeah, Bobby,” whispered his boyfriend, Cody, “I heard what Josh was saying in the shower today—but I’m the only one who gets to grate cheese off those ripped abs of yours. You’re the perfect boyfriend. Everyone is envious of me.”
 “Afterall,” said Cody, sticking his hand down Bobby’s crotch, “Who else in this town sleeps with a guy who models for Abercrombie and Fitch? How great is that?”
 “I don’t know,” said Bobby to himself after Cody had left, “I feel as if everybody just sees me as a piece of meat. I’m more than just a body with a set of 6 pack abs. And all I ever do is watch everything I eat and spend all my time on the damn stairmasters.”
 "Hey, Bobby,” said his best friend Kevin, in between poses at the next photo shoot, “how about we take a couple of weeks off and just take it easy? We’ve been working non-stop with all this modeling, and I want to take a break. How does lying in the sun and doing nothing other than working on your tan sound? I found a really good deal on a two week cruise!” "Sounds terrific," replied Bobby. "I'd love to go."
 When they boarded the ship, Bobby pulled off his shirt and yelled, “I’m not even going to unpack,” He ran out the cabin door and said, “I’m headed straight for the pool and something strong and sweet with a paper umbrella!”

“Wow,” said Kevin, when they went down for dinner the first night,“will you look at those desserts!”
“Yeah,” Bobby answered, “and I’m gonna work my way through one of each before we get home.”
On the third day into their cruise, Kevin said, “I’m off to go surfing, while we’re at port, “Kevin called to him as he pulled up his surf board,. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me? Aren’t you getting tired of just sitting by the pool and seeing how many little paper umbrellas you can collect?” he laughed.
 “Hey, kid!” yelled a guy at the pool, lifting up his beer bottle, “that’s an impressive collection of little paper umbrellas you got going!”
“And make sure you try the ribs they serve here,” the guy with the beer said as he was leaving, “You won’t be able to stop eating them, they’re so good.”
“Oh yeah,” said a young guy walking by, “the ribs here are great. Make sure you try the key lime pie, too.”
They were right. Everything looked good to Bobby. And everything tasted even better than it looked.
"Gee, Mister," said their waiter, "you sure like those ribs, don't you?"
"He sure does," said Kevin, returning from the buffet with another plate of ribs he set down in front of Bobby. "It's vacation time," he smiled. "Just sit back and enjoy it!"

“Bobby,” joked the newly married couple he had met the night before at dinner, “the bartender told us you’ve almost used up his supply of little paper umbrellas!”
“You know, Bobby,” said the entertainer who wandered around, performing for the passengers, “I’ve been watching you, and you look so much better than when you first came on board. So much more relaxed and happier.”
"Hey, Bobby," called Kevin, "I noticed your cocktail had gone dry.  I brought you a fresh one. Don't want you getting thirsty out here in the hot sun."
“Hmmm,” said Bobby, back in his cabin, toward the end of the first week,“I think I’ve put on a little weight.” "What do you think vacations are for?" said Kevin. "I think you look great. You're just bulking up a little."
“Whoa, dude,” said Jarrod, when Bobby came back from the airport when the cruise was over, “You’ve been piling on some serious poundage! Did you just spend your last two weeks pigging out?”
“Jesus, Bobby!” screamed Cody, “What the hell happened to you? You don't even have abs anymore! You look like a fat pig!” Cody slammed the door in Bobby's face.
“I never liked Cody,” said his older brother, when Bobby went over to see him. “If you’re happy with yourself and Cody isn’t, well then screw him. He doesn’t deserve you. And frankly, I think you look a lot healthier with some more meat on your bones.” Bobby shed a single tear and ate a box of  double stuffed Oreo cookies.

Even after his tan faded, and had been gone longer than Cody, Bobby realized he didn’t miss Cody anymore than he missed the hours on the stairmasters. He laughed and went to see what was left in the refrigerator. Alone in his kitchen a few weeks later, Bobby leaned back, his belly comfortably full. He felt really good about himself. He also realized he liked it when he didn't shave all of his body--the hair felt soft and good.

A few months later, Bobby had Kevin over for dinner. “I have the body of a god,” and here, Bobby burped quietly. “Buddha’s a god, right?” “Well,” said Kevin, rubbing Bobby’s belly, “I’m willing to worship at your feet, given this view!” When Bobby hit 200 pounds, Kevin moved in with him.
 Bobby lost his contract with A&F but his agent started placing him as a Plus Size model, and soon he was working more than ever.
“I like the way I’m shaping up,” Bobby told Kevin after the New Year's party, “but I’ve decided I’m going to stop shaving. I’m going to go for more of a bear look.”
By the time he was 35, he had become one of the best known male models. He and Kevin went on many more cruises.
And Kevin had stopped waxing his body and working out. He also enjoyed his new career as a plus sized model. They got married on one of the cruises.

The End…of the Beginning….

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